Welcome to BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy
We are looking forward to welcoming you to BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy for your visit. We are very proud of our academy and will be delighted to show you around. Our senior team will be on hand during your visit. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do to support you.
Key Personnel
Kate Tague
Chief Executive Officer - BOA Group
Michael Painter
Principal - BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy
James Latham
Assistant Principal - BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy
Michelle Sorensen
Assistant Principal - BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy
Safeguarding and Pastoral Support
BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy is committed to promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and industry professionals to share this commitment. We fully recognise our responsibilities for safeguarding and child protection. Our policy and procedures apply to all staff, governors, industry professionals and those visiting the school. The academy maintains an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ and will consider the wishes of and, at all times, what is in the best interests of each student.
We put pastoral care at the very heart of our academy with an approach that involves all staff. The happiness and well-being of our students is a top priority. We want them to enjoy their time at BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy in a safe and nurturing environment, and we hope that they will look back fondly upon the many memories they will make here. The structure we have put in place for pastoral care is designed to ensure that each student feels emotionally secure and knows who to turn to should they need a little bit of extra support.
Safeguarding and Work Placements
BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy must ensure that the industry partners providing work placements have the necessary policies and procedures in place to protect children from harm (Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2022).
It is important that all adults working with children are aware of issues relating to the safeguarding of children and young people (Children includes everyone under the age of 18 and students who are over 18 but still attend the Academy). However, responsibility for the student’s welfare always remains with the academy.
The following simple steps will assist in keeping children safe while on work experience placements:
- James Latham, Assistant Principal is responsible for organising and supervising placements.
- Any student concerns should be reported to Michelle Sorensen, Assistant Principal and Designated Safeguarding Lead.
- The academy will prepare students for work placements with a briefing on safeguarding, expectations of safe behaviour and what to do if they have a concern in the placement.
- The academy will actively monitor the student’s welfare during the work placement
Safeguarding through the Curriculum
Student safeguarding and the promotion of Fundamental British Values are at the heart of all our work at BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy and great importance is placed on identifying opportunities within the curriculum for students to learn about safeguarding.
We are committed to ensuring that our students are offered a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to prepare them for life in modern Britain. Teaching the academy’s core values alongside the fundamental British Values gives students the chance to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills that significantly impact on personal development, behaviour and welfare and equip every student with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding.
During their time at the Academy students cover key topics in pathway, tutor time, assemblies and Personal and Professional Development collapsed days. The following topics are examples of the kinds of issues we cover; cyberbullying, British culture, world cultures, sexual health, British values, homosexuality, homophobia, gender identity, healthy relationships, free speech, internet safety, drugs/alcohol education, the economy, the rule of law, government, multi-culturalism, human rights, the media, work-related learning and more.
To assist in the delivery of these topics, we have worked with organisations such as Birmingham Pause, Birmingham Mind and the School Nurse Team (mental health, healthy relationships), Diversity Role Models (LGBTQ+), Umbrella (heathy relationships), Birmingham and Wolverhampton University (careers), West Midlands Police (anti-social behaviour). We are keen that as many external providers as possible deliver sessions, to ensure that as much expertise as possible is on hand, and some on-going partnerships have been developed as a result.